Take Care Of Your Money
This is a soup that goes best with good friends. A nice rustic bread and a bottle of wine is all you’ll need to help create a memorable night. (This …
It’s 7:00am, you’re in a rush to meet with that new prospective client, and you couldn’t have been bothered to pull an outfit out of a crowded closet the night …
Dearest Hudson Lulu Sky Cherry, You’re 15 years old! Can you imagine I remember everything in windows of first and last times? I remember all of your first times; The …
I think careful cooking is love, don’t you? The loveliest thing you can cook for someone who’s close to you is about as nice a valentine as you can give.- …
The only true wisdom is knowing that you know nothing. – Socrates Miss Olivia (my four year old) always answers queries that flummox her by saying, “I can’t know!” instead …
Dearest Sisters, Just have to share this with you. I’ve finally found the perfect organic sanitary products! They are free of rayon, dyes, pesticides, phthalates, chloroform, deodorants,acetone…You get the picture! …
We’re 11 days into 2018 and already are setting up our healthy habits for the year. I love to cook foods that are good for me and I find it …
The average person’s lifetime totals 27,375 days. So, if you’re 48 years old that means you have (approximately) only 10,000 days left to live. If you are over 65, you …